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Engineering Division for
Student Alliance

UST Faculty of  Engineering

The Engineering Division for Student Alliance (EDSA) is the coordinating body of all recognized student organizations of the Faculty of Engineering. It serves as a forum for socio-cultural development whereby the students can put into practice the principles and ideas of aesthetics, camaraderie, and brotherhood, in coordination with the UST-ESC.




Deputy Speaker


  • Shall perform the duties and functions of the Speaker in case of the latter’s official absence, resignation, impeachment or physical incapacity;

  • Shall perform other functions as may be officially assigned by the Speaker.

Angelica Trisha Panganiban

Deputy Speaker





  • Shall call and preside over all meetings and prepare the agenda;

  • Shall inform the alliance on the schedule of the meeting;

  • Shall call the roll for every

Kenneth Allen Albelda






  • Shall record all proceedings of the meetings;

  • Shall repost minutes of the previous meeting to the alliance on the next assembly.

Roman Yrudtud Ranada



League of Engineering Majors

The League of Engineering Majors is composed of the "mother" organizations of the 6 Departments in the Faculty of Engineering. It serves as a forum for interdepartmental concerns with a goal to help every student in the Faculty.

Association of Civil Engineering Students
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The UST Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES) is the sole organization of the Civil Engineering students in the university. Our organization commits to directing competent civil engineers of the future and promotes academic excellence, camaraderie, and unity through its year-round activities.

Engineering Society
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The UST Chemical Engineering Society (UST ChES) is the recognized organization of the Chemical Engineering students at the University of Santo Tomas. We are committed to fostering unity among its members through camaraderie and coordination with the administration and other student organizations.

[EEC] EEC Logo.png
Engineering Circuit
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The Electrical Engineering Circuit (EEC) is the official student organization of the  Electrical Engineering Department of the  UST Faculty of  Engineering. We cater to the common

interests and general welfare of the Electrical Engineering students by upholding the virtues of academic

competency and work ethics through honest

service and conducted activities.

Network of Electronics
Engineering Students
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The UST Network of Electronics Engineering Students (UST NECES) dedicates itself as the mother organization of the UST Electronics Engineering Department that aims to promote unity, service, and active participation of the students and its faculty, to establish a foundation of excellent, committed, and empowered professional electronics engineers by holding technical, ethical

and holistic activities.

Engineering Circle
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UST-IEC serves as a liaison body between the Industrial Engineering students and faculty administration, thereby creating a united front geared towards the continuous development and innovation of the department and its members.

Engineering Club
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The Mechanical Engineering Club (MEC) is the mother organization of the students from the Mechanical Engineering department that serves as the body to mediate the ideals and sentiments between the Mechanical Engineering students, the Faculty, and the Administration. MEC engages in activities that promote unity and camaraderie among the members.


Interest Organizations

The Interest Organizations in the Faculty of Engineering are made up of groups with their own distinct purpose. They largely contribute to the extra-curricular activities of the students in the Faculty.

American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
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American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers - UST Student Branch is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology that focuses on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability within the industry.

Through research, standards writing, publishing, and

continuing education, ASHRAE shapes

tomorrow’s built environment today.

Cisco Networking
Academy Gateway
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Cisco Networking Academy Gateway - Engineering (CNAG), is an organization where it is open to all engineering students within the university, CNAG was established to connect people and computer networking — so everyone can attain better cyber security and enhance their knowledge on information technology through research and development, sharing of expertise, innovation, and experience. An organization with tight bonds among its members

like family, and values its members while

serving the community to grow.

Engineering Dance Troupe
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The UST Engineering Dance Troupe is the official dance organization of the Faculty of Engineering. It is an organization built together by one passion. UST EDT is a family that continually strengthens the bond of its members despite their differences. Dancing makes us one.

Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers
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The UST-IEEE is a student branch of the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. UST-IEEE SB dedicates itself to foster technological innovation and excellence of Thomasians, committed to contribute to the nation and the global community.

Operations Research
Society of the Philippines
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The Operations Research Society of the Philippines (ORSP) - UST Chapter is an engineering-wide academic organization that advocates the use of Operations Research as a tool. It is a multi-awarded organization which aims to establish and provide an avenue to appreciate Operations Research as a vital medium in improving our society towards

innovation and sustainable development.

One Voice
Engineering Chorale
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One Voice Engineering Chorale is a group of aspiring engineers performing as one harmonic chorale. The organization holds the production of free forms of vocal music as it values art behind its engagement in the field of science; it assents acts of compassion, competence, and commitment above all.

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Pax Romana
Engineering Unit
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Pax Romana - Engineering Unit  is the oldest organization in the University of Santo Tomas. It is also the only religious organization which has its local college units recognized by the university. Pax Romana Engineering Unit is the one responsible for all the religious events (monthly mass, departmental send-off mass, thanksgiving mass,

etc) and other spiritual involvements of

the student.

Rotaract Club of UST
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Rotaract Club of UST - Engineering Unit is part of Rotary International's global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. This effort starts at the community by promoting fellowship and building lifelong connections through service.

Interest Orgs
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